Beazer Homes - Northern California


Single Family Builder Builder




Luke Wissmann
Division President

Julie Christopher
Area Construction Manager

Jody Evans

Marc Fackrell
Sr. Financial Analyst

Mariza Fritz
P&D Project Manager

Caitlin Guarino

Darrell Hale
Sr. Purchasing Agent

Khalid Khan
Construction Manager

Chris Lee

Cindi Lett

Mike Lew

Michael-Anne Lyman
Marketing & Information Specialist

Inna Miller
Forward Planning Manager

Wayne Morgan
Customer Care Manager

Shannon O'Connor

Rafael Perez

Brit Radovich

Bonnie Ragland

Ryan Rogers

Connie Simvoulakis

Khalid Solaiman
Division Vice President of FP&A

Troy Stauss
Design Studio Manager

Jim Stoller

Robert Walmsley
Director of Sales

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